Proper Pops: Nutrient Rich, Protein Packed Popped Chips
I have posted about my weight loss over the past couple of months, with thanks to my diet of choice, The Dukan. Protein has a huge part to play in my weight loss and when I heard about Proper Pops, I got very excited.
There are so many protein products on supermarket shelves at the moment and it’s very easy to be led into thinking that they’re all good for you. A colleague of mine came in to work after her lunch break, she knew I was on a ‘protein diet’ and was beaming because she’d brought in a gorgeous peanut butter bar to show me “Look, you can have these on your diet, they’re protein and gorgeous!” I was immediately skeptical and took the wrapper to investigate, the fat content was HUGE, losing weight with protein is based on keeping the fat intake as close to 0% as possible. It’s very easy to be confused and I’m sort of feeling that protein is going to become the new ‘Sugar’ in the advertising industry. Protein is everywhere now, dairy’s are even adding more protein to water, restaurants are giving the option to add protein compounds to beef burgers and milkshakes, instead of sugary snacks, supermarkets are jamming till side displays with protein products.
Having that said, Proper Pops, an Irish Start-up that is positively booming in the UK (they’re based here in Ireland, Clonee, Co. Meath), sent me a goodie bag, filled with their product’s to try out as they saw I was on a protein packed weight loss plan. They come in three flavours of 89calorie pots.
Sizzling Sweet Paprika
Lime Lemongrass & Garlic
Zesty Lemon & Fiery Chilli
The great thing is that Proper Pops have 90% less fat, they’re pressure popped so there is no oil-which is deadly to dieters. They’re also lactose free and gluten free, virtually sugar free! I’m gluten intolerant, so they’re absolutely made for me!
I love they way they come in cute little pots with a re-sealable lid so you can keep them in your office desk, carry them in your bag all day for when you need a snack or even take them on a picnic!
I honestly have to say that there is no artificial taste from Proper Pops at all, they don’t taste like health food, they actually taste like you’re having something very naughty and calorific, the Sizzling Sweet Paprika one is my favourite, they’re really spicy and sort of taste like pizza! I’d be happy to put these out in bowls at a cocktail party. I would love to see them in stick form, so I could dunk them in a low fat chive dip or something, they could benefit from something like that.
I believe you can buy them in Applegreen, Centra, Spar, Sainsburys in the UK & Amazon. I believe it won’t be long before they’re everywhere, here! They’re a really good product and great for my weekends when dieting so I won’t feel remorse and hate myself after eating them, like I do with junk food.
Give them a try, guarantee you’ll love them!