Chistmas: 10 Tips On Avoiding The Stress
Christmas eh? It’s already well into November, high street shops are completely immersed in the spirit, not to mention the delicious festive drinks in places like Starbucks & Costa.. You can’t help but feel a little anxious about the whole thing, “am I not prepared enough…. should I have my gifts already bought? …” even down to the supermarkets… you go in for two or three items, you see someone with a basket overflowing and suddenly that anxiety builds up again “What am I forgetting?!”
Here’s my top 10 tips on getting super organised for the yuletide season..
Ditch The Clutter:
If you have children especially, you’re going to want to do this. Be ruthless and buy a roll of refuse sacks… go through drawers, nooks, and wardrobes, even old toys-if haven’t thought about it or used it in over a year, it’s useless! New toys, ‘soap sets’, socks etc are going to arrive in abundance, why not clear out the old to make way for the new, take toys to local charity drives like the ‘Shoebox Appeal’. When all the junk has gone, give the house a good once-over, clean windows, chair covers, get rid of the dust bunnies. When you decorate your house with Christmas ornaments, it’ll feel wonderful.
Write your Christmas cards, stamp them and have them ready to go in December. It will creep up on you before you know it and the idea of having that job done will come as a blessing in disguise.
Storage Space:
Find a closet in the house to store all the Christmas items as you buy them.
Check Your lights:
Saving money:
Start Preparing Meals:
Get Into The ‘Spirit’:
Stocking Fillers:
The best gifts are the ones that keep coming, that’s why I love to buy lots of little things and put them into a box or makeup-bag for my friends, so they have little things to keep unwrapping, it’s also less expensive if you’re on a budget. The best stocking fillers are available now as the madness hasn’t started, little books, hand creams, buy multi-packs and break them up, divide them out among the gifts. Keep a stash as if you happen to forget someone, you have something to hand.
And….. don’t forget to order that Turkey!